Monday, July 14, 2008

Fundamentals of Affiliate Marketing through Internet

Bored from working in 9 to 5 job, with fixed income , I decided to venture in to internet marketing. As so many years I used to work for marketing in lamps and tubes in market. Then one of my friend told me about internet marketing, I said I donot have any experience.

He told me that first to take up affiliate marketing, before going in to fully in to internet marketing. I said “Affiliate marketing!!!!!!!!!!” what it is ?? he said that is I hear is very commenly , when people are told about affiliate marketing. Then i exclaimed and implored him to tell me more about affiliate marketing and how I can take up affiliate marketing as a job. I told him to explain me in detailed form, what I have to do , in order to make money ect.

Then he told me in detail and also promised me that once he completes his expiations, he is sure that I will start taking interest and jump at once…

He defined that” Affiliate Marketing “ is simply to do business and promote other people’s products. To explain in simpler terms you promote other people’s products by using ` internet as your medium and help to sell their products . But it does not mean that that you should have own products and sell to other people as many may think, it is not that case either. You may also think that you should purchase other people products sell them by keeping some profit, my dear it is also not case my friend explained.

In reality there are thousands and thousands of people , who are willing to promote other people products. But we should see who is doing with most cost effective way to promote their products the word of mouth, emailing, articles, or thru web sites, they are being paid commissions for promoting their products hence increase in sell. More sell means more profits for them. When people like us who help or promote those people products through above methods get a cut of the purchase price. That's affiliate marketing.

Then how does it works??

We apply or sign up in affiliate marketing program ( ex: Clickbank ect) and choose products to promote as affiliates. We can select one, two or three products depending on our capacity to promote at one time and start promoting those products through special URL provided for each product (separate ). When some one clicks those special URL and buys product and we get our commissions on each purchase made in this way. How to promote those products are entirely on you. You choose to write articles to promote those products. Or use google Adsense ( the add you put on your website ) to promote and earn money. Google will pay you every time someone clicks on an ad.

Then it came in to my mind ….. How much I can earn??

The answer to this question: it's really hard to say. Some affiliate marketers are able to earn only $25 a day or less, while some earn as much as $2,000 a day. It really depends on your ability to market the product, how many other people are marketing the product, and how popular the product is, not to mention, how much it costs. If you're able to market well (after learning how to do it) and are willing to put in some hard work, you can certainly earn a ton of money through affiliate marketing. If, however, you don't want to work hard to get better at affiliate marketing, you'll probably not have as much success as others.

Is It Easy to Get Into? ? I asked my friend. And he replyed…..

Five years ago, the answer to this question would have probably been “no, it's not easy to get into.” But with all of the affiliate marketing programs on the internet, it's now considerably easier to break into affiliate marketing. While it's not as easy as some business ventures may be, affiliate marketing is very easy to get started with if you use a good program. The key to your success and the easiness of affiliate marketing will be your program and your willingness to learn what works and what does not work in affiliate marketing.

Then I said ok I will….

Click Here!

For more information and step-by-step videos, visit the link below now:

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